Thursday 6 December 2018

Goin' South: Review of Green Book

Green Book

Director: Peter Farrelly

By Alex Watson

After winning the Viewers Choice prize at the Toronto International Film Festival, Peter Farrelly's Green Book is a film which is Oscar assured. A touching yet utterly hilarious look at real and unconventional friendship, Farrelly shows how two polar opposites can attract. On one side a firm commentary about the mistreatment of African Americans during segregation, the other this is a movie about how courage can truly make a difference. With two stunning central performances, this picture is a powerful and endearing look at a difficult time in American history.

Tony 'Lip' Vallelonga (Viggo Mortensen) is a bouncer at the Copacabana who is very quick with his fists. After the club closes for renovations, he needs work to tie him over for the next 8 weeks. Soon after a chance comes his way to drive renowned pianist Dr. Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali) on his tour of the Deep South. Needing someone to help him steer clear of trouble, the two at first continually aggravate and embarrass one another. As the trip progresses, both men will find a lasting friendship in the most unlikely way.

Green Book is a movie that is dedicated to showcasing the unlikely feel of this friendship. When we first meet Tony, likable is not a word we would use to describe him. Unafraid to dish brute force with troublemakers and disturbers, Tony is little more than club muscle. While a loving family man to his wife Dolores (Linda Cardellini), he also possesses a racist streak which goes in line with his loud Italian family. One scene sees him drop two glasses used by black painters into the garbage, much to the disappointment of his wife. Meeting Don Shirley is something that not only broadens his worldview but busts it wide open. A multilingual, educated, world famous but conceited musician, Shirley's world couldn't be further apart from his own. Petrubed by Tony's bullish and unpolished manner, at first this turns into the road trip from hell. While in Kentucky, Tony forces his counterpart to feast on fried chicken because he makes the ignorant assumption all black man eat it. "You have a very narrow assessment of me, Tony!" gripes a bemused Don.

During this road trip, both come to slow admire the different qualities in each other. Shirley is almost seen as the authority figure in this trip- especially when he chastises Tony for stealing a 'lucky rock' from a roadside store or making him reverse the car to pick up a discarded soda cup. However, he slowly convinces Tony that using his fists will not solve every problem and to start using his head. While Tony on the surface is a dimwitted bag of muscles, his sheer street smarts and quick thinking help keep Don in one piece. Grudgingly he grows to admire his musical talents and his sheer determination to keep face in front the affluent Southerners who scorn his people at every turn. "It takes courage to change people's hearts." mentions bandmate Oleg (Dimeter Marinov). As a musician, Shirley's performances are a thing of rare beauty and Tony comes to see that only a man like him could make this so memorable.

Entering the Deep South gives this picture a slight tension as while he is given a warm welcome at the events and concerts he plays- there is still a notion that is simply tolerated. The title Green Book refers to a book given to African American travels to help them navigate this tricky region. Staying clear of provocation proves a sky-high task as Shirley's mere existence is a trigger to the locals. One night he strays out alone to a bar and Tony is called to rectify a difficult situation with hostile rednecks. Farrelly also shows Shirley as a man cast adrift between two worlds. Unaware of hit singers like Little Richard and Aretha Franklin, Shirley is too different from his own race and not accepted within the white race. Tony is the unlikely glue that holds the duo together and his fast-talking and unconventional fast acting also bring Shirley out his shell and make him more assertive. At its core, Green Book is a buddy film with a ton of heart and a stark realism and awareness of its surroundings.

As the Bronx born Tony Vallelonga, Viggo shows just why he is one of the most versatile actors Hollywood has to offer. Nicknamed 'Lip' due to his ability to talk bullshit and convince others to do things, his mouth is constantly running or shoveling large quantities of food into it. While in the beginning, he appears to be little more than a lunkheaded bruiser, Mortensen shows this characters intelligence and compassion towards his employer. Frequently able to get the bulk of the laughs, Mortensen once again is excellent. Mahershala Ali is also on dynamite form in the first post-Moonlight film. Effortlessly gripping in each scene, he gives Don a tightly wound feel that is a mask for his inner torment and loneliness. Ali once more confirms his status as one of the best upcoming leading men and this role matches Mortensen blow for blow.

Green Book is a movie that gives some real joy on screen and shows a maturity in direction by Peter Farrelly. Definitely an upcoming awards favorite.

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